Agartala: The All India Trinamool Congress (TMC) on Wednesday removed Subal Bhowmik from the post of state president of Tripura. Bhowmik, a former Congress MLA, joined the TMC in July last year. In a press statement, TMC said Subal Bhowmik is being relieved from his duties as state president of Tripura Pradesh Trinamool Congress with immediate effect.
"All other members of the State Committee, State Youth Committee, State Mahila Committee, State SC Cell, and State ST Cell shall continue in their positions. Rajib Banerjee, state in-charge, and Sushmita Dev, Rajya Sabha MP shall look after the functioning of the party till a new state president is appointed," the press statement of TMC said.
Also read: Women empowerment: TMC's justification to replace candidate in bye-polls
The removal of Bhowmik came amidst speculation that rift against him. Sources said that Bhowmik is in touch with both BJP and Congress to change the party again. However, chances of joining Congress would be tough as Bhowmik and the former BJP minister who is now Congress MLA Sudip Roy Barman are at loggerheads. Though many media have published this news of Bhowmik about his joining in BJP or in Congress, no reaction came from him.
But a BJP insider informed ETV Bharat that Bhowmik is trying hard to come back to BJP again as the election is approaching. In the meantime, Bhowmik, who changed political parties seven times, was somehow active in politics after joining TMC. However, all of a sudden, he started ignoring all the party activities.