Agartala: Tripura Chief Minister Dr Manik Saha, along with senior police personnel on Friday, reviewed the recent rise in theft cases in and around Agartala city. Some important decisions have been taken to control the thefts at the meeting. The Chief Minister informed that police surveillance of all important junctions in and around Agartala city has been increased throughout the night. Similarly, all the vehicles will be checked during the night at all important junctions, says a press release.
"Police should check documents of vehicles. Deployment of police personnel has been enhanced at police stations in Agartala city. Enhanced patrolling through beat police and night mobile is being carried out in and around Agartala city." It further stated that village defence parties had been activated in sensitive areas and necessary assistance would be provided by the police.
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"Close watch on the habitual offenders and scrap dealers is being maintained. Necessary legal action is being taken against the habitual offenders to bind them down as per law to prevent any untoward incident. Close watch is being maintained on bus bays and railway stations," the release said. The police said that a Special Investigation Team (SIT) was formed to investigate the recently registered theft cases for prompt investigation and identification of offenders. Senior-level police officers are entrusted with supervising effective policing in and around Agartala city. Patrolling of mobile vehicles is being extended to sensitive pockets.