Rangia: The family of Ehtramuddin Ali Ahmed, the younger brother of India's fifth president Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed, is one among lakhs of families who did not make it to the final NRC list published on August 31.
Ziauddin Ali Ahmed- the late president’s nephew and the son of Ehtramuddin Ali Ahmed- and his family was not able to apply to be included in the NRC because they could not find any of their ancestors, including the former president, on the 1951 National Register of Citizens or any of the electoral rolls up to 1971.
The family lives in Rangia in Assam’s Kamrup (Rural) district.
Ehtramuddin, reportedly moved to Rangia after getting married. According to Ziauddin, his father was an engineer who worked mostly in Guwahati, although, his family lives in Rangia. Ziauddin lives with his wife and two children in Rangia.
Ehtramuddin and Fakhruddin’s father, Zalnur Ali Ahmed, is thought to be the first Assamese person to obtain a medicine degree. He was employed by the Army and retired as a colonel.
The final NRC which has been updated for the first time since 1951 in a bid to detect undocumented migrants, has excluded as many as 19, 06, 657 people effectively stripping them of their citizenship.