Kanpur: A strange situation unfolded in Kathara village, located in Bidhnu Police Station area of Uttar Pradesh's Kanpur, on Thursday after locals spotted a pigeon carrying an Urdu letter stained with blood. Subsequently, a complaint has been lodged with the police. In turn, the police are currently looking into the matter. Locals while speaking to ETV Bharat said they spotted the uncanny scene early on Thursday.
Village resident Dharmendra Kushwaha said he spotted the pigeon while he was out providing fodder to animals earlier in the day. "I saw the pigeon sitting on a platform outside the house, it was cooing for a long time. After I went closer, I spotted a piece of paper tied to the bird's neck," he noted. Upon the paper being extracted with some struggle, it revealed "seven lines written in Urdu", and the other side had blood stains, Kushwaha observed. He added that since they did not speak Urdu, the villagers and police have sought the help of Urdu experts. Bidhnu PS SHO Yogesh Kumar Singh said, "Information has been provided by residents of Kathara. The police are carrying out an investigation into the incident".
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Meanwhile, the autopsy of a leopard, which was killed in a hit-and-run incident near the Lodhi Toll Plaza on Varanasi-Shaktinagar Highway in the state's Sonbhadra district, will take place on Thursday. This marks the second big cat death in the area in less than a fortnight. Wildlife enthusiasts in the area have held responsible a manifold increase in the number of vehicles for the incidents.