Agartala: Tripura police on Thursday arrested one person and served notice to 28 accused persons for allegedly carrying out attacks on BJP supporters while they were en route to attend a public rally of National President of BJP, JP Nadda on Monday last in Khumulwng in Tripura Tribal Areas Autonomous District Council. The ruling BJP on Monday alleged that more than 20 of their party workers came under brutal attack by TIPRA Motha supporters in different parts of the state.
Tripura Police in a press statement today said that on August 29, Monday in connection with the rally of JP Nadda, National President of BJP at Khumulwng, the incident of attack upon BJP supporters were made. “It is alleged that supporters of TIPRA Motha attacked the BJP supporters while coming to attend the rally as well as during their return journey. In those incidents, some BJP supporters sustained injuries. In this connection, a total of 7 (seven) cases were registered under different police stations in West Tripura, Khowai, and Sepahijala districts.
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During the investigation of the cases, police served notices under section 41A CrPC to 28 accused persons for further legal action”, the statement of Police said.
It further said that apart from this, one person was arrested and further raids are being conducted to arrest other persons involved in these incidents. “Efforts of Police to arrest other miscreants is continuing and is being entrusted to senior level cops,” it reads.