Vijayawada (Andhra Pradesh): In an inspirational story, three girls from Vijayawada secured scholarships from Drexel University in America. Speaking to ETV Bharat, the girls told how they have worked hard for their dream to come true. Challa Joshika, Vemuri Sai Akshara and Yukta Tata Koganti have got admission to the famous Drexel University.
In a conversation with ETV Bharat, Challa Joshika said," It was my childhood dream to study in America. To fulfil this dream, I used to study for five hours a day apart from my regular studies and started my preparation one and a half years before. I plan to become a successful entrepreneur. I have always wanted to serve people by getting into the corporate world."
Joshika further said, "Going to the US for an under-graduation is a great opportunity to expose oneself to multiple diversities. I have got admission to Drexel University with a scholarship of Rs 1.5 crore for four years. Currently studying at Delhi Public School. My family also supported my desire to study in America."
Vemuri Sai Akshara said, "I decided to study computer engineering in America when I was in eighth grade. Both my parents are teachers and I have worked on several projects and startups with their help. This experience, along with training for the entrance exam, led to a seat at Drexel University and a stipend of Rs 1.2 crore."
Akshara also said, " I used to study for six hours a day. I have also received many awards like Math Genius. After winning the NASA technical competition, I got an invitation to visit America in 2023. I also got a chance to see the satellite launch closely at Sriharikota. I am also a national-level archer. I have always been interested in research and I aim to excel in this field."
Also read: BJP MP seeks rollback of decision to do away with scholarships for minorities
Yukta Tata Koganti said, "My interest turned to computers in the early days after joining Intermediate. The future of computers seemed better if studied in America. I focused on it from the first year. I used to check the websites of foreign universities and studied what they expected from the students. I am studying Senior Inter in Sri Chaitanya, Vijayawada."
Yukta further said, "My father, Sunil Kumar, is an EO in the Endowments department and my mother Madhavi is a chemistry lecturer. They encouraged me to study six hours a day for my preparations. I have worked hard for a year and mastered various subjects. My hard work resulted in a gratuity of Rs 1.03 crore. My dream is to get successful in the field of data science."