Chitoor (Andhra Pradesh): In a heartbreaking incident, a 10-year-old boy reportedly spent four days with her mother’s lifeless body at their house in Tirupathi rural mandal of Andhra Pradesh's Chittoor district.
All the while he was under the assumption that his mother was asleep. The deceased has been identified as Rajyalakshmi. She used to work as a lecturer in a private college and has been living in Tirupati with her son for two years due to issues with her husband. Her son Shyam Kishore was studying Class V at a local school.
The incident came to light after Kishore informed his uncle Durgaprasad of a pungent smell coming from the house. Upon which Durgaprasad came to Rajyalakshmi's house and found her dead.
Durga prasad said that Shyam Kishore was suffering from a mental disorder.
According to information, on March 8, Rajyalakshmi had fallen from the bed and died on the spot. However, Kishore, who thought she was asleep, remained with the body for four days.
Police registered a case and an investigation is underway to ascertain the exact cause of Rajyalakshmi's death.
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