Mahbubnagar (Telangana): A sarpanch was accused of assaulting a physically challenged man. The sarpanch resorted to the extreme step as the latter reportedly applied for the details of his employment under the RTI. After the incident, the police arrested the sarpanch. Immediately, the Collector also issued suspension orders. At Pulpavanipalli village in Hanwada mandal of Mahbubnagar district on Thursday evening, an argument took place between sarpanch Srinivas and the specially-abled Krishnaiah while they were walking. In the meantime, the sarpanch not only kicked the physically challenged person but also insulted the Mandal officials
Some people, who happened to be mute witnesses to the incident, recorded it. On Friday, it was widely shared on WhatsApp groups. Against that backdrop, a protest was staged under the leadership of Viresh, the President of the Mandal Specially Abled Association, in front of the tahsil office. Responding to the video, SP Venkateshwarlu directed the Hanwada police to take action against the sarpanch. SI Ravinayak registered a case against Srinivas and arrested him. Later, the sarpanch was suspended by Collector Venkat Rao. He said that stringent action was taken because he not only misbehaved with the specially-abled person, but also assaulted him indiscriminately.