Amaravati: Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy on Tuesday asked the Centre to direct Bharat Biotech and ICMR-NIV to transfer the Covaxin manufacturing technology and provide the viral strain to "whoever is interested and capable of manufacturing the vaccine" so that the production could be ramped up.
Read:| Invoke compulsory licensing to lower vaccine price: Chidambaram
"It may take several months to get all vaccinated at this pace. Please explore the possibility of involving all such production firms and enable them with the technology, intellectual property rights to deliver the vaccine as quickly and as affordable as possible," the Chief Minister said in a letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
"Anyone who can manufacture or is interested in manufacturing the vaccine should be encouraged to do so in the larger public interest. Entire manufacturing capacity should be mobilised and put to use in this testing times," Jagan added.
He said the Prime Minister's intervention on these suggestions, and if implemented, would go a long way in encouraging the manufacturers and accelerate the supply of vaccines.
Read:| Odisha sets June 2022 target for Covaxin production at Andharua unit
The Chief Minister said "we are not able to vaccinate our population at large" due to the short supply of vaccine through the state demonstrated its capacity to inoculate six lakh people per day.
"I look forward to your favourable orders in this matter," Jagan told the Prime Minister.
Read:| Delhi CM urges Centre to make COVID-19 vaccine formula public