Anantapur (Andhra Pradesh): In a shameful incident, a couple belonging to the SC Community touched the feet of the Revenue Divisional Officer (RDO), pleading him to provide them justice in a case.
Earlier on May 15, some people from the upper caste reportedly hurled casteist slurs at Obanna and Ratnakumari, which led to an argument between the two sides in Konuppalapadu village.
Subsequently, the couple filed a case against the people from the upper caste under the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe (Prevention of Atrocities) Act.
At the time of registering the case, the police handed over the couple's SC certificate to the tehsildar, but due to political pressure created from the other side, it was surprisingly transformed into a BC certificate, alleged the couple.
Later on May 31, when DSP Srinavasulu and RDO Gunabhushan Reddy were at the village on May 31 to investigate into the case, the couple fell at the feet of the RDO, appealing for justice.
Meanwhile, the district collector has suspended the Village Revenue Officer (VRO) in connection with the case, and has also issued a show-cause notice to the tehsildar.
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