Hyderabad: Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao said that the government is ready to discuss and debate all issues related to the people in the state in upcoming Assembly sessions, beginning on September 7. He directed his ministers to brush up all facts so that they can inform the people, the release issued by the Chief Minister's Office (CMO) said on Wednesday.
During a meeting with his Council of Ministers and Whips, it was decided to discuss matters pertaining to the containment of COVID-19 virus spread, measures on crop losses due to heavy rains, fire accident at Srisailam Hydel Project, irrigation sector issues, among others in the forthcoming sessions. The matters will be proposed in the Business Advisory Committee (BAC) meeting.
"The Legislative sessions should be held upholding the democratic values. There is no other platform other than the Legislature to discuss matters on people's issues and take appropriate decisions. We have to utilise this platform and opportunity. The Telangana Legislature should be held as an ideal one for others in the country to look up for inspiration. The members should analyse how the programmes and Acts implemented by the government are performing at the field level," said Rao according to the release.
Directing the ruling party members to mention each and every issue of the people he added, "The members should be able to point out if there were some lacunae somewhere. The government will answer each and every query raised by the members. The ruling party members also should mention each and every issue of the people."
"Legislative Session will not mean disturbances, heaping of abuses, curses, unruly behaviour or utter pandemonium. It should not be a place to level accusations against one another or give vent to one's impatience. There should be a change in this attitude and the changes should be qualitative in nature. There should be healthy debates, which should be inspiring and enlightening.
The debates and discussion should analyse the implementation of Budget and Acts. The discussions should be of high quality and based on facts. The members should speak in such a way that it should be of some help to people," he added.
He added that pro-people decisions would be taken through discussions in the state Assembly."This is how the Telangana Legislature sessions should be held. Any member from any party can speak on any subject on the floor of the Houses. The government is ever ready to answer any question or give clarification and implement the suggestions, which are practical. The member's views should reflect the facts. They should reflect the ground realities," the Chief Minister observed.
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