Prakasam (Andhra Pradesh): Excise department officials and Special Enforcement Bureau (SEB) police of Andhra Pradesh have raided the country liquor making units in the Kakarla forest area of Ardhaveedu Mandal in Prakasam district on Friday and destroyed 1,800 litres of jaggery wash used for making country liquor.
As per Nagesh, the Sub Inspector posted at Ardhaveedu police station, "Based on the information given by the villagers, Police raided forest area near Kakarla village and found country liquor making units with 1,800 litres of jaggery wash."
He added that the jaggery wash was kept ready to make country liquor.
"All the seized jaggery wash was destroyed and stern action will be taken on those who manufacture and sell country liquor," he added.
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