Tirumala (Andhra Pradesh): For the first time after lockdown was lifted, Tirumala Lord Balaji temple received hundi income of Rs 1.02 crores in a day on Saturday, said Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanam (TTD).
The devotees here were earlier restricted from visiting the temple amid the COVID-19 crisis. However, the temple has reopened for the pilgrims on June 11.
After reopening, the hundi income crossed Rs 1 crore for the first time in one day. As many as 13,486 devotees visited the temple on Saturday and their offerings were counted on Sunday, TTD stated in a release on Sunday.
After remaining closed for nearly 80 days due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the temple was reopened in the month of June with new health norms in place to check the spread of coronavirus. Initially the entry was restricted to Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanam (TTD) employees and their family members.
The TTD staff and their kin were only allowed to pay obeisance for the first two days while local devotees in Tirumala were permitted to have 'darshan' on the third day. The temple was then thrown open for 'darshan' for all devotees on June 11, subject to a maximum of 6,000 daily.
Also Read: TTD's coffers to be audited by CAG, Trust Board passes resolution