Amaravati: The sandals were worn by Chief Minister YS Jaganmohan Reddy worth Rs 1,34,800. The price of the Mont Blanc Company pen that he keeps in his pocket is around Rs 1 lakh. The price of the drinking water bottle he uses is Rs 5,499 (750 ml of Mustard Company), alleged TDP national official spokesperson Anam Venkata Ramana Reddy.
He reminded that Sakshi newspaper had published photos of N Chandrababu Naidu alleging that he consumed water worth Rs 50 a litre when he was at the helm. And now why Sakshi was hiding all this from the public? Why is CM Jagan's drinking water bottles, sandals and pens cost was not being telecast on TV and not being published in Sakshi newspaper? he questioned
Speaking at a press conference at the TDP office in Mangalagiri on Wednesday, he said, "How did they earn thousands of crores in a very short period? Have you found any diamonds?' Chief Minister YS Jaganmohan Reddy's wife YS Bharati should tender an apology for launching a malicious campaign against N Chandrababu Naidu and his family in Sakshi TV and newspaper. He demanded that the cost of Jagan's shoes, drinking water and pen should be published in Sakshi.
Also read: Jagan moves Telangana HC in disproportionate assets case
When YS Rajasekhara Reddy became the Chief Minister in 2004, Jagan's assets were Rs 1.74 crore (according to IT returns). As per the 2009 election affidavit, it reached Rs 77.39 crore. In the by-election held in 2011, Jagan showed his property as Rs 445 crore in the affidavit. If it has increased so much in two years, has he found a gold mine? Did you find diamonds while digging a well in your native place? he questioned Jagan.
"These are not our calculations. We are saying according to the affidavits submitted by Jagan to the Election Commission," Venkata Ramana Reddy made it clear. Later, Jagan's property reached Rs 413 crore in 2014 and Rs 510 crore in 2019. And officially, he became the richest Chief Minister in the country. How did it increase from Rs.1.74 crore in 2004 to Rs 510 crore in 2019?, he asked.