Visakhapatnam: Visakhapatnam's 12-year-old, Ameya Laghudu, received the prestigious Pradhan Mantri Rashtriya Bal Puraskar award from the central government, on the occasion of Republic day celebrations. The award was announced by Central Women and Child Welfare ministry under the arts and culture category.
She was awarded for her fabulous classical dancing talent.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi appreciated Ameya and wished her to reach great heights in future, via video conferencing.
Ameya has already bagged nine national and eight international awards for her classical dance performances. She has also been successful in getting her name enrolled in the Guinness Book of World Records.
Ameya began dancing since she was 4-year-old. She started learning Bharatanatyam, Kuchipudi and Arangetram for last six years.
Her parents are very happy for their child and also wish to encourage her to take her interest in classical dancing to the next step.
Also read: Tripura's Satyaram Reang, Arshiya Das bag prestigious awards