Andhra Pradesh: Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy on Friday launched the YSR Vahana Mitra scheme which provides Rs 10,000 allowance to self-employed drivers of autos, taxis and maxi cabs.
Addressing a gathering at the indoor stadium here on Friday, he said that the amount of Rs 10,000 is for the recurring expenses like insurance and maintenance of the vehicle to procure fitness certificate and said that those who could not make it on time can apply till month-end and their applications would be considered.
The allowance of Rs 10,000 would be given every year and the amount will be credited into the bank accounts directly while the processing will be done in a transparent manner.
The latest scheme is the fulfilment of an election promise made by Reddy during his 3,648 km padayatra.
A clipping of his earlier speech and promise made in May 2018 was shown to the gathering which drew a huge round of applause. The allowance was given to 1,73,531 drivers with the click of a button and the amount was directly credited into their respective bank accounts.
"I have seen with my own eyes the difficulties of auto drivers. With a daily earning of Rs 200 to Rs 500, you people have told me that it was becoming difficult to run the family and pay the insurance and other expenses required for getting a fitness certificate. Thus we have evolved YSR Vahana Mitra scheme which will provide Rs 50,000 to the self-employed drivers in five years. Such a scheme is available only in our state and nowhere in the country," he said.
Reddy had earlier posed with auto drivers and worn the khaki shirt, the uniform of auto drivers, which he retained throughout the function. The auto drivers thanked him for keeping up his word and for showing the recognition.
Those who attended the meeting included Deputy Chief Minister Pilli Subhash Chandra Bose, Alla Nani, Ministers Perni Nani T Vanita, Sriranganadha Raju and other officials.
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