New Delhi: The BCCI on Friday sacked the four-member senior national selection committee led by Chetan Sharma after the Indian cricket team failed to reach the final of the T20 World Cup in Australia. During Chetan's tenure, India had also failed to reach knock-out stage in the 2021 edition of T20 World Cup and lost the World Test Championships final.
Chetan (North zone), Harvinder Singh (Centra Zone), Sunil Joshi (South Zone) and Debasish Mohanty (East Zone) have had the shortest stint as senior national selectors in recent times. Some of them were appointed in 2020 and some in 2021. A senior national selector normally gets a four-year term subject to extension. There was no selector from West Zone after Abbey Kuruvilla's tenure ended.
That Chetan will be sacked was reported by PTI on October 18 after the BCCI AGM. On Friday, the BCCI invited applications for the position of national selectors (Senior Men). The last date of application is November 28. (PTI)