Mumbai: Television actor Leena Acharya, who featured on shows like 'Class of 2020' and 'Seth Ji', passed away following a kidney ailment, according to actor Rohan Mehra. She was in her late 30s. Mehra, who co-starred with Acharya in "Class of 2020", told that the actor breathed her last in Delhi on Saturday.
Actor Ayush Anand, who worked with Acharya on "Perfect Pati" in 2018-2019, said the actor never mentioned about her kidney ailment."It was only yesterday when I had a word with her brother I got to know that she was suffering from kidney issues since the past few years and was living on just one kidney that too donated by her mother," Anand said.
Mehra shared a picture on Instagram from the filming of the ALT Balaji show with Acharya. "Rest in peace, Ma'm. Last year, this time, we were shooting for 'Class of 2020.' Will miss you (sic)," the actor captioned the post.
Describing Acharya as a jovial person, Anand said she was extremely passionate about her work. "She never mentioned about this (illness) on set and was always smiling, keeping the environment on set positive," he added. Acharya also featured on shows like "Aap Ke Aa Jane Se" and "Meri Hanikarak Biwi".
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