Mumbai: A resident of D N Nagar in Mumbai was hit by actor Rajat Bedi's car while returning from work on Monday and is in critical condition. "Rajat Bedi himself was driving the car and hit a man named Rajesh Dhoot when he was crossing the road last evening. Immediately, the actor got the victim admitted to the nearby Cooper Hospital in Mumbai," said Milind Kurde, senior police officer, DN Nagar.
'The victim is in a critical situation at present and the actor left the hospital when we reached there after getting information about the accident, he added. However, the hospital informed the police that the actor has confessed his crime and is ready to compensate for the cost of the victim's treatment.
But the actor did not return back to the hospital since then, police informed. Police have registered a case against Rajat Bedi under sections 279 and 338 of IPC and called the accused today for investigation. The accident took place near a temple in West Andheri, Mumbai. Further investigation is underway.
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