Mumbai: Bigg Boss 13 contestants Mahira Sharma and Paras Chhabra has always been in talks for their friendship bond which was speculated to be love. It seems that the conjectures were true. Talking about Paras and Shehnaaz Gill's upcoming TV show Mujhse Shaadi Karoge, Mahira said that no one can bring a girl like her in his life.
In the TV show, Paras and Shehnaaz are in search of their soul partner. Contestants are coming to try their luck and marry their dream boy or girl.
When asked whether Mahira wants to give tips for becoming one of the Paras' choices, she said, "They won't get my tips even if I give it, as they are locked inside the show. I wish that he gets a girl like me, all the best to him. Many can come and go, but no one can bring a person like me to his life, not even Bigg Boss."
Talking about the show, Mahira said, "It will be very entertaining. I have seen the promo but I haven't seen the show. But from the promo, I felt he was looking so amazing and the show is going to be very entertaining. Many good contestants have come including boys and girls. It will be fun to watch it."
"But I feel that he will get one, many goos contestants have come. One is just like Shehnaz. Boys who have come for Shehnaz are also very good."