Hyderabad: Actor Yami Gautam took to Instagram on Saturday to share photographs of her mehendi ceremony. Yami has tied the knot with Uri: The Surgical Strike director Aditya Dhar in a hush hush wedding ceremony and the couple announced the news on social media on Friday evening.
In the photos shared on Saturday, Yami dazzles in a golden yellow salwar suit. The Bala star flaunts minimal makeup with red lipstick and a little eye makeup. Yami chose to keep it simple with her hair tied in a braid, a gold nosepin and traditional dangler earrings.
The actor is seen laughing her heart out while waiting for her mehendi to dry up, which looks artistic alongside her red nailpolish.
Quoting 14th century Kashmiri mystic Lal Ded or Lalleshwari, the actor captioned her photographs: "O dear one, why worry? What is meant for you will always, always find you. - Lalleshwari."
READ | Yami Gautam and Aditya Dhar's love story blossomed on Uri set?
On Friday evening, Yami shared a photograph of their wedding and wrote: "With the blessings of our family, we have tied the knot in an intimate wedding ceremony today. Being very private people, we celebrated this joyous occasion with our immediate family. As we embark on the journey of love and friendship, we seek all your blessings and good wishes. Love, Yami and Aditya."
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According to reports, Yami and Aditya fell in love while shooting for Uri: The Surgical Strike. Yami played an undercover R&AW agent in the military action thriller which also marked Aditya's directorial debut. Reportedly, the couple dated for a little over three years before taking the plunge.