Mumbai: Actor Kangana Ranaut has once again lashed out at filmmaker Karan Johar. She has requested the Indian government to take his Padma Shri back. The actor accused Johar of intimidating her on an international platform, conspiring against Sushant Singh Rajput and attempting to destroy his career and making an ‘anti-national’ film against the armed forces.
"I request the government of India to take KJO’s Padma Shri back, he openly intimidated me and asked me to leave the industry on an international platform, conspired to sabotage Sushanth’s career, he supported Pakistan during Uri battle and now anti-national film against our Army," the tweet read.
I request government of India to take KJO’s PadmaShri back,he openly intimidated me and asked me to leave the industry on an international platform,conspired to sabotage Sushanth’s career,he supported Pakistan during Uri battle and now antinational film against our Army.
— Kangana Ranaut (@KanganaTeam) August 18, 2020 " class="align-text-top noRightClick twitterSection" data="
">I request government of India to take KJO’s PadmaShri back,he openly intimidated me and asked me to leave the industry on an international platform,conspired to sabotage Sushanth’s career,he supported Pakistan during Uri battle and now antinational film against our Army.
— Kangana Ranaut (@KanganaTeam) August 18, 2020I request government of India to take KJO’s PadmaShri back,he openly intimidated me and asked me to leave the industry on an international platform,conspired to sabotage Sushanth’s career,he supported Pakistan during Uri battle and now antinational film against our Army.
— Kangana Ranaut (@KanganaTeam) August 18, 2020
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Earlier the Panga actor had slammed the Janhvi Kapoor-starrer Gunjan Saxena: The Kargil Girl via tweets posted by her team. "All n all GS remains a petty film missing the larger picture and essence of a soldier's life, proving her opponents right who said we are here to protect Bharat Mata but you are here for equal opportunity, that's pretty much sums up the film, in the end, Gunjan wins not India. SAD," read one tweet.
All n all GS remains a petty film missing the larger picture and essence of a soldier’s life, proving her opponents right who said we are here to protect Bharat Mata but you are here for equal opportunity, that’s pretty much sums up the film in the end Gunjan wins not India.SAD !
— Kangana Ranaut (@KanganaTeam) August 15, 2020 " class="align-text-top noRightClick twitterSection" data="
">All n all GS remains a petty film missing the larger picture and essence of a soldier’s life, proving her opponents right who said we are here to protect Bharat Mata but you are here for equal opportunity, that’s pretty much sums up the film in the end Gunjan wins not India.SAD !
— Kangana Ranaut (@KanganaTeam) August 15, 2020All n all GS remains a petty film missing the larger picture and essence of a soldier’s life, proving her opponents right who said we are here to protect Bharat Mata but you are here for equal opportunity, that’s pretty much sums up the film in the end Gunjan wins not India.SAD !
— Kangana Ranaut (@KanganaTeam) August 15, 2020
It's not just Kangana, but also others who have attacked the film. A hashtag claiming Karan has insulted the Indian Air Force was trending on Twitter on Thursday.