Hyderabad: Apart from producing, actor Vivek Oberoi will also be seen acting in his debut production venture Rosie: The Saffron Chapter. The film will introduce Shweta Tiwari's daughter Palak Tiwari in the lead role.
Directed by Vishal Mishra, Rosie: The Saffron Chapter is a horror-thriller based on true events in Gurugram. Basically, it revolves around Rosie, one of the employees at Saffron BPO, which is said to be haunted.
READ | Vivek Oberoi announces his whodunit thriller Iti
The team has commenced shooting for the film in Pune on December 21. On day one of the shoot, Vivek and film's co-producer Prerna Arora are seen performing pooja in presence of cast and crew on the sets.
Excited about her debut in Bollywood, Palak had earlier said: "'Rosie' irrefutably is not your average horror film, it's an amalgamation of romance, spine chilling thrills, laced with an intriguing perspective. What makes it even better is the eximious team of people behind it. I'm truly honoured to be a part of this production."
Meanwhile, Vivek will also be seen playing a pivotal role in Iti: Can You Solve Your Own Murder? which will mark Bollywood debut of Sushmita Sen's brother Rajeev Sen. The actor is also presenting and producing the whodunit thriller by writer-director Vishal Mishra.