Mumbai: Actor Ayushann Khurrana recently revealed that he used to sing in trains and collect money from the passengers. While speaking at an event, the 32-year-old actor also said that before making his Bollywood debut, he rejected 5-6 films just to make the right choice, wanted his first film to be special.
He performed one of his hits Pani Da Rang, Vicky Donor at that event.
Ayushmann revealed that while going for theatre shows, he used to sing on-board the Paschim Express during the long journey and used to collect money from passengers, which used to be enough to finance his Goa trip. "I am a trained singer because I used to sing in a train," he said in humour.
He rejected 5-6 films just to make the right choice, wanted his first film to be special. "I knew that being an outsider, I wouldn’t get a second chance," he said in an event.
When asked about the prevailing nepotism in the film industry, he said, "Star kids who are successful, are genuinely talented. They get their first break but then they have to live up to a benchmark. If I give my 50%, people say I have done it by myself. If star kids have a potential of 80% and even if they give their 100%, people aren’t satisfied."
Ayushmann also opened up that he approached the makers for two films including Andhadhun and Article 15. He feels "one must not feel shy of asking for work".
On the work front, Ayushmann was over the moon as Donald Trump showered praises on his latest gay rom-com Shubh Mangal Zyada Saavdhan.
"It was great to see a reaction from US President Donald Trump. I certainly hope and wish that this comment is President Trump's gesture of outreach towards the LGBTQ community and that he will persistently and constantly work towards upholding LGBTQ rights in his country," he said.