Mumbai: The late Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput's US-based sister Shweta Singh Kirti took to social media and shared that his ashes will be immersed today in Patna.
Shweta's post on Facebook suggests that the family members flew back to their hometown on Wednesday. She also shared that his asthi visarjan will be done today.
“Reached my Patna's home safely yesterday. Thanks to everyone who was praying and who helped in the process. It was hassle-free. Today, we will be doing Asthi Visarjan (Ashes Immersion) for Bhai,” wrote Shweta.
Shweta also urged Sushant’s fans to pray for him bid "very loving and happy farewell."
"I, again, want to ask all to pray for him and send him off with all the fond memories and unconditional love in your hearts. Let's celebrate his life and give him a very loving and happy farewell," she wrote.
Reached my Patna’s home safely yesterday. Thanks to everyone who was praying and who helped in the process. It was...
Posted by Shweta Singh Kirti on Wednesday, June 17, 2020
Reached my Patna’s home safely yesterday. Thanks to everyone who was praying and who helped in the process. It was...
Posted by Shweta Singh Kirti on Wednesday, June 17, 2020
Reached my Patna’s home safely yesterday. Thanks to everyone who was praying and who helped in the process. It was...
Posted by Shweta Singh Kirti on Wednesday, June 17, 2020