Hyderabad: After two decades of Gadar, the makers of the blockbuster film are planning to make a sequel with actors Sunny Deol, Ameesha Patel and Utkarsh Sharma in the lead. Film's director Anil Sharma is reportedly neck-deep in writing Gadar 2 which he is planning to take on floors after he wraps up Apne 2 featuring three generations of Deols.
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According to a leading daily report, Anil is setting up the foundation for Gadar 2 which will also star his son Utkarsh who was only 6 years old when Gadar released in 2001. Utkarsh will be seen as the grown-up son of Sakina (Ameesha) and Tara Singh (Sunny) in Gadar 2. If everything falls in place, Anil will soon be officially announcing the film.
READ | 20 years of Gadar: Did you know makers auditioned 400 girls for Ameesha Patel's role?
Sharma, who co-wrote the story with his frequent collaborator, writer Shaktiman Talwar, has also toyed with the idea of penning a book, on how the team shot the lavish train sequences and enormous crowd sequences. As of now, Anil is occupied with Apne 2 which will feature Dharmendra with his sons Sunny, Bobby and grandson Karan Deol in the lead roles. The film will be extensively shot in Punjab and Europe once the COVID-19 pandemic is brought under control.