Mumbai: Actor Shraddha Kapoor was seen standing with the people who had gathered here on Sunday to voice their protest against the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation's Tree Authority's decision to slash 2,700 trees in the Aarey forest, to make a car shed for the metro.
The Saaho actor also posted a picture on Instagram of herself holding a placard from the protest and wrote, "It is shocking, unacceptable and has to stop."
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"Trying to do my bit. Went live on my insta sometime back to show you all how so many people have come together to stand up against this," she wrote.
She was wearing a white t-shirt with the message 'Save Aarey'.
"We don't want the tress to be cut down. We are all standing here for this and we really hope that our voice may be heard and it can be stopped," Shraddha said at the protest.
"If we try, we can find an alternative to this problem. There is no need to cut down so many trees," she added.