Hyderabad (Telangana): Bollywood actor Shilpa Shetty visited the holy shrine of Sai Baba in Shirdi, Maharashtra. The actor was accompanied by her husband Raj Kundra and a few friends. On Wednesday, Shilpa took to social media to share a glimpse of her Shirdi visit with Raj.
The 46-year-old actor took to her Instagram handle to share a video wherein she and Raj are seen seeking blessings of Sai Baba. The actor is seen donning red and white salwar suit while Raj is seen in a grey kurta. Sharing the video, Shilpa wrote: "Sabka Maalik Ek. Shraddha aur Saboori. Om Sai Ram 😇🙏♥️ #shirdi #omsairam #faith #love #gratitude #happy #protection #shraddaaursaboori."
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Shilpa was also accompanied by friend Akanksha Malhotra and her rakhi brother Rajiv Adatia, who was seen in the Bigg Boss 15 house.
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Shilpa and Raj's visit to Shirdi is their second public appearance after the latter's bail in a pornography case. Last November, the couple made their first joint appearance in color-coordinated outfits as they visited a temple in Himachal Pradesh.
Raj was arrested by police on July 19 along with 11 other people on charges related to the alleged creation of pornographic films.