Hyderabad: Doctor-turned-actor Sai Pallavi Senthamarai spoke highly of filmmaker Sekhar Kammula with whom she delivered the 2017 hit Fidaa. The acclaimed actor has said that she learned a lot on the sets of Fidaa and the experiences have made her look at life in a different way now.
When asked about her experience of working with Sekhar Kammula, Sai Pallavi in a recent online interview said: "He is more than a director to me. He shaped the way I look at life right now or at least in a work environment." The 28-year-old actor said she is someone who will avoid engaging in any complicated situation and be non-confrontational but it was Sekhar who taught her to stand up for herself and speak for her rights.
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Sharing how Sekhar influenced her as a person, Pallavi further said, "He taught me to be a woman on the sets of Fidaa otherwise I would be this little gullible child walking around." Pallavi, who is the only actress in Forbes India's '30 under 30' list for this year, has also said, "He taught me to just stand for what is right even if it is professionally wrong. As a person, if you think that they have hurt your sentiments, you need to put it across and if they do not accept, wait for an apology."
On the acting front, Sai Pallavi is waiting for the release of her upcoming film Love Story which marks her second collaboration with Sekhar. The film also film features Naga Chaitanya, Rao Ramesh and Posani Krishna Murali. The romantic drama film was scheduled to be released in April this year but due to the outbreak of coronavirus it has been delayed.