Mumbai: Amid the lockdown, actor Richa Chadha, who has signed up for online dance lessons, said that virtual learning is a unique experience for her.
In the lockdown period, due to the novel coronavirus pandemic, Richa has been doing a lot of creative stuff including cooking, developing a new script and now dancing. She has also been focusing on her health.
"Dance is a truly therapeutic experience for me. I had a ball of a time learning belly dance last year and I am so happy I have the time now to do dedicated practice," Richa said.
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"I enjoy this form, because it channels Goddess energy and is an amalgamation of so many traditions, including some gypsy forms. This virtual learning is a unique experience, but the whole world is headed that way, it's the new normal of the lockdown life," she added.
Richa had started learning Raqs belly-dance as part of the preparation for her film Shakeela. She found the dance form fascinating and went on to take a course in Kazakhstan in May last year.
With inputs from IANS.