Mumbai (Maharashtra): Actors Rajkummar Rao and Patralekhaa tied the knot on Monday in an intimate wedding ceremony and shared stunning photos on social media. While celebrities and fans couldn't stop gushing about the dreamy pictures from the wedding, one thing that caught our attention was a special message hidden in the bride's beautiful dupatta.
As soon as the wedding images were shared by the newlyweds on their respective Instagram handles, our attention was immediately drawn to the mantra inscribed on Patralekhaa's wedding veil, which was her declaration of the deep love she has for Rajkummar.
Reportedly designed by celebrity fashion designers, the beautifully carved veil read out a Bengali mantra that spoke of passionate, true love.
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READ | Rajkummar Rao ties the knot with longtime girlfriend Patralekhaa, shares adorable wedding pictures
It read, "Amar poran bhora bhalobasha ami tomae shomorpon korilam," which translates to "I submit my heart filled love to you."
In the wedding pictures shared by the couple, Rajkummar and Patralekhaa could be seen gleefully enjoying their unison, etching a story that was nothing short of a dreamy fairy tale.
Rajkummar and Patralekhaa, who have shared screen space in the 2014 drama Citylights, which was also Patralekhaa's debut movie, had been dating each other for a long time, before finally tying the knot.
(With agency inputs)