Mumbai: South star Prabhas on Friday announced that his film Radhe Shyam will be hitting theatres worldwide on the occasion of Makar Sankranti and Pongal on January 14, 2022. The romantic-drama, featuring Pooja Hegde as the female lead, is directed by Radha Krishna Kumar. The 41-year-old actor shared the film's new release date on Instagram along with a new poster. "Can't wait for you all to watch my romantic saga, #RadheShyam, which has a brand new release date - 14th January, 2022 worldwide!, Prabhas captioned the post."
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Details about the film are strictly under wraps as of now, although it is said to be an epic love story set in Europe. The project is multilingual, scheduled to release in Hindi, Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam and Kannada languages.
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The multi-lingual film also starring Bhagyashree, Murli Sharma, Sachin Khedekar, Priyadarshi, Sasha Chettri, Kunaal Roy Kapur and Sathyan, was earlier slated to have a theatrical release on July 30. Radhe Shyam is presented by Gulshan Kumar and T-Series and is produced by UV Creations, Bhushan Kumar, Vamsi and Pramod.