Thiruvananthapuram: Superstar Mohanlal, now holed up in his Chennai residence since the nationwide lockdown began, on Wednesday interacted with Kerala Health Minister K.K. Shailaja and about 250 health professionals across the state and appreciated their great service to the society.
The highlight of the nearly one hour long interaction was Mohanlal singing a hugely popular Malayalam film song Lokem muzhuven sukem pakeran ayi snehadeepeme mizhi thureku from the film Snehadeepame Mizhi Thurakku directed by A.P. Bhaskaran, which released in 1972.
The superstar profusely thanked each and every health worker doing great service to the society by foregoing all their difficulties, besides pointing out that the coming days will be crucial for the state.
During the interaction, the principal of the Kannur Medical College, N. Roy, said that he was Mohanlal's classmate at the Government Model High School in the state capital and the superstar was immensely happy to know about it.
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On her part, Shailaja thanked Mohanlal for interacting with the overworked health professionals.
Mohanlal has contributed Rs 5 million to the CM's Covid Relief Fund.
From IANS inputs.