Mumbai: As today marks the one-month death anniversary of director Raj Kaushal, his wife and actor Mandira Bedi organised a pooja for him at their residence. Taking to Instagram Story, Mandira posted a picture, wherein we can see her sitting in the front of havan kund along with her children Vir and Tara.
Mandira wrote, "30th day," on the picture and posted it with a folded hand emoji. Mandira's husband reportedly succumbed to a heart attack on June 30. For unversed, Kaushal started out as a copywriter in 1989 and then worked as an assistant director with Mukul Anand. He then directed movies like Pyaar Mein Kabhi Kabhi and Shaadi Ka Laddoo. Eventually, Raj set up his own advertising-production company, Fuel, and went on to direct over 800 commercials. One of the last commercials that Kaushal directed was with Vicky Kaushal.
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A few days ago, Mandira even posted a note thanking everyone, especially her family, who stood by her in such hard times. "Only love. Grateful for my family and all the love, support and kindness," she had written. Recently, Mandira also celebrated the fifth birthday of her daughter Tara, who was adopted by her and her late husband in July last year.