Mumbai: Going back to shoot life after a long coronavirus hiatus, actor Madhuri Dixit Nene on Saturday shared a monochromatic picture 'on the sets.'
The 'Aaja Nachle' star took to Twitter and shared an illuminating picture as she takes a look at her reflection in the mirror. In the snap, Madhuri is seen in a traditional avatar, sporting a designer blouse, while adorned in jewellery. Her hair is tied in a neat bun, festooned with jasmine. The actor looked stunningly beautiful in the traditional avatar, as she holds a mirror.
Inspiring her fans to 'bring their world together' amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the 'Devdas' actor penned an inspiring caption with the picture.
She wrote, "On the sets, like life, every little detail matters. Stay focused and bring your world together." (along with a shoot clap emoji).
The post garnered more than 1.1k likes within 47 minutes of being posted.
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Of late, the 'Koyla' star has been quite active on social media and has been updating fans of her activities by posting pictures and videos.
Earlier on the occasion of International Men's day, she showered love over her "pillars of support," her husband Dr Shriram Madhav Nene, and sons Arin Nene, Ryan Nene
The senior actor took to Instagram to share a picture of herself with her "boys," and expressed how she is missing them in the caption.