Hyderabad: Bollywood heartthrob Kartik Aaryan was spotted at filmmaker Sanjay Leela Bhansali's office in Mumbai on Tuesday. Kartik's visit to SLB's office has triggered speculations of him being roped in for Heera Mandi. After wrapping up Gangubai Kathiawadi shoot on Sunday, SLB's entire focus is now on fast racking his pet project Heera Mandi for which he is reportedly considering Kartik.
Kartik's recent visit to SLB's office has strengthened the buzz about him collaborating with the Black filmmaker for his upcoming web show Heera Mandi. This is not the first time when has Kartik visited Bhansali. The actor and director reportedly met earlier this year to discuss the project for which SLB is collaborating with streaming giant Netflix.
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According to reports, the show will be mounted on a big scale with filmmaker Vibhu Puri calling the shots. SLB's mega-budget series was earlier planned as a feature film with Priyanka Chopra in the lead but will now feature Sonakshi Sinha and Huma Qureshi in pivotal roles.
Meanwhile, Kartik will next be seen in the horror-comedy film Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2, Ram Madhvani's thriller Dhamaka and recently announced Satyanarayan Ki Katha.