Hyderabad: Actor Kangana Ranaut on Tuesday said she has tested negative for COVID-19, more than 10 days after contracting the virus. The 34-year-old actor had tested positive for the novel coronavirus on May 8 and was under home quarantine.
Ranaut, whose Twitter account was permanently suspended for repeated violations of rules earlier this month, took to Instagram to share the health update with her fans. The actor also took a potshot on Instagram over her post wherein she called COVID 'small time flu'.
On her Instagram stories, Kangana wrote, "Hello everyone today I tested negative for covid, I want to say a lot about how I beat the virus but I am told not to offend covid fan clubs.... Yes there are actually people out there who get offended if you show disrespect towards the virus.... Anyway thanks for your wishes and love."
READ | Kangana: Instagram has deleted my post where I threatened to demolish Covid
Kangana had tested positive for COVID-19 on May 8. Upon being diagnosed with the disease, the actor had shared that she has quarantined herself and is sure she will 'demolish' the novel coronavirus which, for her, is "nothing but a small time flu. However, her post was reportedly deleted by Instagram because she called the virus "a small time flu."
Kangana was permanently banned from Twitter earlier this month after her controversial tweets on the recent West Bengal assembly election results and their aftermath.
On the work front, Kangana will be seen in Thalaivi as J Jayalalithaa. The film's release was postponed owing to the surge in coronavirus cases. She also has Tejas and Dhaakad in the pipeline.