Jaipur: After taking many ugly turns, Kangana Ranaut on Friday apologised the media thereby bringing the ongoing spat to an end. Ekta Kapoor, who was on a visit to Kale Hanuman mandir in Jaipur said that Kangana has apologized to the media for her harsh comment.
Talking about Kangana's recent comment on journalists, Ekta said that the actor has sent a voice note for the media regarding the issue.
According to the sources, when Ekta arrived at the airport, she was asked about Kangana's controversial statement following which the producer called the 'Queen' actor and informed her on the matter.
Ekta said that Kangana has sent a voice note to the journalists apologizing to the journalists. The apology came after Jaipur Pink City Club announced the boycott of the actor for her offensive statement against the media persons.
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Kangana apologized to Jaipur Pink City club saying that her comment was for a few people who have ganged up against her along with her enemies. Also, she said that the media has nothing to do with that.
Pink City Press Club chairman Abhay Joshi said, "Ekta Kapoor played a positive role in the whole matter. Kangana's sister Rangoli also apologized over the phone. Kangana requested them to accept her apology following which the press club and journalists ended the ban on her."
At the launch of the song, 'The Wakhra swag', Kangana questioned a journalist over his negative remarks on her last release, 'Manikarnika: The Queen Of Jhansi'.
The Members of the Entertainment Journalists' Guild of India (EJGI) on July 10 collectively decided to boycott Kangana Ranaut and demanded a public apology following the ugly spat between the national award-winning actress and a journalist.
However, Ekta issued an apology and urged the media to support her upcoming film 'Judgementall Hai Kya'.