Mumbai: In what can only be described as an embarrassing gaffe, the official website of International Film Festival of India (IFFI), Goa, published a photo of renowned poet-cum-lyricist Gulzar alongside a synopsis describing Oscar-winning Late filmmaker Satyajit Ray.
After initial news reports emerged, festival authorities quickly rectified the error on the official IFFI website.
An error of this magnitude shocked film buffs across the country, especially coming on the webpage of one of the biggest film festivals of Asia.
Even today, counted among the world's cinema auteurs, most film festivals in India remain incomplete without a reference to Ray.
The goof-up is all the more embarrassing because this is the golden jubilee year of IFFI. In its 50th year, IFFI has paid homage to the legendary Ray by screening his 1989 Bengali classic Ganashatru which starred popular Bengali actor Soumitra Chatterjee in a pivotal role.
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The error appeared in a website catalogue listing all the films being screened at IFFI this year.
In the list, alongside the description of the cast and crew of the iconic film Ganashatru and a synopsis on Ray, the organisers published a photo of Gulzar instead of Ray.
However, as several reports on the incident erupted, the mistake was quickly corrected.
IFFI which commenced on November 20, this year, in Goa is set to conclude on November 28, 2019.