Mumbai: After Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) demolished Kangana Ranaut's Mumbai office on Wednesday, Shiv Sena leader Sanjay Raut said to a leading portal that he never threatened the actor. The leader further stated that he only expressed anger at Mumbai being linked to Pakistan occupied Kashmir (PoK).
"I have never threatened #KanganaRanaut. I only expressed my anger at #Mumbai being likened to POK. I am not responsible for what action #BMC takes. Matter is over for me, Kangana is welcome to live in Mumbai: #Sanjay Raut," he said to the portal.
READ |Bombay HC to hear BMC's reply to Kangana's plea challenging demolition of her office
Meanwhile, the Bombay High Court has ordered a stay on BMC's demolition drive at the her office in Mumbai.
Raut and the Queen actor's war of words grabbed a lot of attention after the actress compared Mumbai to PoK. She even said that Sanjay Raut has threatened her to not come to Mumbai. The Shiv Sena leader has denied all the allegations. The actress was spotted today at the Mumbai airport with high security.