Mumbai: After piquing fans with the intriguing poster of the film, the makers of Good Newws finally released the trailer of the laugh riot on Monday. The trailer is all set to leave you in splits with the comic timings of film's lead cast.
The trailer of Akshay Kumar, Kareena Kapoor, Diljit Dosanjh and Kiara Advani starrer Good Newzz is out. If the just-released trailer is anything to go by, the film by all means seems to end the year on a good note. For both, the moviegoers and the makers.
The three minutes and twenty-two seconder video is bit longer for a trailer but the sequences are so sprucely put together that it makes the viewing engaging.
WATCH | WATCH: Akshay, Manushi begin Prithviraj shoot, perform pooja
As the trailer suggests, Good Newwz revolves around two couples, who are desperately waiting to hear the 'good news' and for which they seek help of medical science. But, the major medical goof-up will entangle them so badly that Akshay and Kareena, who can not stand Diljit and Kiara in the film, end up having them around all the time.
However, their hatred for each other fades away with time and how they learn to take this journey together forms the crux of this ‘dramedy’ about love and acceptance.
With a dose of light-entertainment punches, Akshay and Diljit's funny one-liners will certainly make the audience burst out in laughter.
Helmed by Raj Mehta, Good Newwz is will hit the theatres on December 27 this year.