Mumbai: Actor-filmmaker Farhan Akhtar took to Twitter to urge people to join him in protesting the Citizenship (Amendment) Act at August Kranti Maidan in the city, but the initiative might have got him into legal trouble.
Senior IPS officer Sandeep Mittal accused Farhan of breaking the law, according to a report in
Sharing an explainer video of Section 121 of the Indian Penal Code, Mittal tweeted: "You also need to know that you've committed an Offence u/s 121 of Indian Penal Code & it is not unintentional. @MumbaiPolice & @NIA_India are you listening. Please think of the Nation that is giving you everything in your Life. Understand the Law."
Earlier, Farhan had tweeted, about the anti-CAA protest: "Here's what you need to know about why these protests are important. See you on the 19th at August Kranti Maidan, Mumbai. The time to protest on social media alone is over."
READ | Farhan Akhtar to join protest against CAA
Soon after the post, many Twitter users pointed out a discrepancy in the map of India that the actor shared.
Farhan tweeted again with a statement, saying he does not endorse the map presented on the image, which he had reposted from somewhere and apologised for the oversight on his part.
"I recently posted a message about a protest meeting on December 19th with a repost of a graphic about the meeting. While I stand by the text, I have only just noticed that the map of India on the graphic is inaccurate.
"Every inch and part of Kashmir is a part of India and I reject the inaccurate map. I regret not noticing this earlier. My sincerest apologies for the oversight," the actor said on a statement posted on Twitter.