Hyderabad: Veteran actor Randhir Kapoor mistakenly posted a picture of his daughter Kareena Kapoor Khan's second son. While Kareena and her husband Saif Ali Khan are protecting their newborn from the public eye the grandfather seems to have goofed up with the privacy that his parents managed for the infant so far.
Randhir, who joined Instagram last year, took the internet by a storm with a recent Instagram post which he deleted later. The veteran actor apparently shared his newborn grandson’s first pic who is yet to make a fullfledged debut on his mother's social media page.
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According to reports, Randhir took to Instagram and shared a collage of two babies. The post went viral before Randhir deleted it from his Instagram page and netizens started assuming that the other kid in the collage with Taimur is his younger brother.
Meanwhile, Kareena recently returned to work, after giving birth to her second baby. Kareena and Saif were blessed with a baby boy on February 21 this year. Kareena gave her fans a glimpse of the little one on International Women's Day, when she posted a picture on Instagram.
After tying the knot in October 2012, the couple welcomed their first baby Taimur in December 2016.