Mumbai: Filmmaker Sanjay Leela Bhansali has shared a glimpse of his new composition 'Dholida' from his upcoming film 'Gangubai Kathiawadi' starring Alia Bhatt. 'Dholida', a celebratory Garba number from the film will see Gangubai dancing to the tunes of dhol, making it the festive anthem of the year. Bhansali's music composition along with lyrics penned by Kumaar capture the true essence of Garba. The foot-tapping number has been sung by Jahnvi Shrimankar and Shail Hada, and choreographed by Kruti Mahesh. With this beautiful track, Bhansali has really got the whole of India dancing to his beats all over again.
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The period drama has been adapted from one of the chapters of noted author Hussain Zaidi's book, Mafia Queens of Mumbai and features Alia in the lead role of Gangubai, one of the most powerful, loved and respected madams from Kamathipura during the 1960s. Gangubai Kathiawadi also stars Vijay Raaz, Indira Tiwari, and Seema Pahwa. Produced by Sanjay Leela Bhansali and Jayantilal Gada (Pen Studios), the film is all set to release theatrically on February 25.