Mumbai: After hearing the plea, the Delhi High Court on Monday dismissed the stay on Salman Khan's upcoming movie 'Bharat'.
The plea was mentioned on the grounds that the film, named after the nation, will distort its cultural and political image.
Appealed for urgent hearing, the Delhi High Court rejected the plea following an assessment of the movie trailer. A vacation bench headed by Justices J.R. Midha and Chander Shekhar found the trailer unobjectionable and concluded that the petition filed by Vikas Tyagi was without merit.
The special bench further stated that it was premature to come to a conclusion since Tyagi has only seen the trailer and not the full movie.
Tyagi, disaccording with the title of the film, said that the word 'Bharat' cannot be used for commercial purposes.
Labeling the film as a typical entertainer, Tyagi said that the title was in violation of Section 3 of the Emblems and Names (Prevention of Improper Use) Act.
Alongside the title of the film, the petitioner also sought a change in the dialogue where the character has been compared to the greatness of the country.
Headlined by Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif, 'Bharat' is set to release on June 5, 2019.