Mumbai: Actor Deepika took on Salman Khan's comment that he could not "afford the luxury to be depressed".
Deepika had opened up about her ordeal with clinical depression in 2015. She has actively been campaigning against the malaise since then.
In a recent interview, she hit at Salman indirectly without naming him that depression was not a choice so it should not be seen as a luxury.
Talking to a leading magazine, she said, "People confuse it with being a bit sad. A male star said recently that he didn't have the luxury to be depressed. As if, depression is a choice!"
"The word that best describes my experience of depression is a struggle. Every second was a struggle. I felt exhausted the whole time," Deepika told.
According to reports, Salman, last year, had said, "I see a lot of people getting depressed and emotional, but I can't afford that luxury of being depressed or sad or emotional because no matter what I am going through, it works against me."
On the occasion of World Mental Health Day on October 10, 2015, Deepika started the Live Love Laugh Foundation to create awareness about mental illnesses and reduce the stigma surrounding them.