Mumbai (Maharashtra): Bollywood star Deepika Padukone on Thursday said on screen intimacy is not an easy task and she credited filmmaker Shakun Batra for creating a safe environment on the sets of her latest movie Gehraiyaan. Billed as a drama about complex modern relationships, Gehraiyaan also features Siddhant Chaturvedi, Ananya Panday and Dhairya Karwa.
At the film's virtual trailer event, Padukone was all in praise of Batra for creating a safe and secure environment, especially for the film's intimate scenes.
"Shakun gave me and all of us the comfort, you feel safe and secure because intimacy is not easy. It is not something that we ever experienced or explored in Indian cinema before in a way we have in this film. So, to go down that route of intimacy and vulnerability is possible when you know the director is not doing it for eyeballs. Because that is where the characters are coming from, their experience and journey. It is possible when you feel safe and secure in the environment," Padukone told reporters.
In a first for a major Bollywood movie, the film's makers have roped in filmmaker Dar Gai to serve as the intimacy director.
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The 36-year-old actor said Gehraiyaan is a raw film and she had to dig deep into her real-life experiences to play the role of Alisha.
"I want to say bold but I also don't want to say bold (because) the way we understood bold in our films... I would say raw. This character is a lot more raw and real than some of the other characters, just emotionally, completely stripped, naked, vulnerable and to be able to do it on screen, it had to come from a deep place.
"It is not to say that I haven't experienced that before but to this extent, I had to really dig places and visit places that aren't pleasant experiences from my own life as well as dealing with mental health issues. So, all of that put together, it came from a deep place," she added.
(With agency inputs)