New Delhi: Actor Deepika Padukone who is currently following social distancing protocols against coronavirus, on Thursday said that she is missing her sister Anisha Padukone.
Dubbing her sister as her 'peanut,' Padukone posted a picture with her on Instagram.
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I miss you peanut 🥜!!!Cannot wait to jump on you and squish you!!! @anishapadukone #siblings
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The picture featured the 34-year-old actor being hugged from the back by her sister Anisha Padukone.
"I miss you peanut !!!Cannot wait to jump on you and squish you!!! @anishapadukone #siblings," the Padmaavat actor wrote in the caption.
Earlier this week, Padukone posted a picture from her pre-wedding functions in which she was seen sitting with her sister and her mother.
With inputs from ANI