Mumbai: Earlier today Deepika Padukone treated her fans with a very heart touching title track from her forthcoming film Chhapaak. However, the song launch turned into an emotional event as both Laxmi and Deepika got sentimental.
Besides the cast of Chhapaak, the launch was also attended by Laxmi Agarwal. As soon as the song was launched, Shankar Mahadevan crooned a few lines from the song and Laxmi got emotional after listening to the powerful song and broke down on Deepika's shoulder.
On the other hand, Deepika consoled an emotional Laxmi which was a sight to behold for everyone present at the song launch.
Furthermore, Deepika too got emotional over seeing Laxmi breaking down, the Chennai Express actor got teary-eyed.
Helmed by Meghna Gulzar, Chhapaak revolves around the struggles and triumph that Laxmi Agarwal went through. The film also stars Vikrant Massey in a pivotal role whose character is based on Laxmi's partner and social activist Alok. The film will also mark the first stint of Deepika as a producer. It is bankrolled by Fox Star Studios.
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The film is slated to hit the screens on the 10th of January, 2020 and will see a box office clash with Ajay Devgn and Kajol's historical drama, Tanhaji-The unsung warrior.