Chandigarh: Actor Salman Khan, his sister Alvira and six others have been summoned by the Chandigarh police after a local businessman filed a complaint of cheating. According to Arun Gupta, he had opened a store under the name of Being Human Jewelry in 2018 and had spent Rs 2- 3 crore on it. However, neither promotion commitments were fulfilled nor were the goods delivered to his store.
Those who have been called for an inquiry on July 13 to verify the complaint include Being Human Foundation CEO and officials of Style Quotient (licensee of Being Human Jewelry), according to the media reports. The complaint also said that the office, which was used for the collection of goods, was shut from February 2020.
Read: FIR filed against Salman Khan and Being Human officials in Chandigarh
Gupta also said that he was assured that Salman Khan will come for the inauguration of the store but instead his brother-in-law Ayush Sharma turned up. Gupta has requested to file an FIR.